Content from the 2024 Future of Christendom Conference can be found at


Independence Reformed Bible Church is an assembly of Christians in the Reformed tradition meeting in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. We believe that Jesus Christ is King right now and all of mankind owes allegiance and obedience to Him.

Generational, Dominion-Taking, Disciple-Making

We believe Christians have been saved by grace in order to serve Christ by being fruitful and multiplying in order to take dominion and subdue the earth according to God’s eternal Law-Word.

We are optimistic that Christ will defeat all his enemies, and thus we intend to continually declare His crown-rights until all the earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.

When & Where we meet

IRBC meets at Conestoga Christian School (2760 Main Street, Morgantown, PA 19543).

Sunday School: 9:00 AM (no Sunday School on the first Sunday of each month)
Worship: 10:15 AM