Our Vision
Generational – Committed to equipping the family to live out its God-given responsibility to nurture and mentor children, and to engage and influence the culture.
Theonomic – Teaching and applying all of Scripture and the Law-Word of God, the standard of righteousness, to all of life.
Postmillennial – Embracing a long term, victorious view of Christ’s work in history.

Meet Our Leadership Team
IRBC’s leadership includes elders and deacons.

Pastor Joel Saint
A graduate of Washington Bible College (now a subsidiary of Lancaster Bible College), Joel served as a youth pastor at Twin Valley Bible Chapel prior to a career in sales. Joel began serving as pastor of IRBC when the church was founded in 2013. Joel has nine grown children and 20+ grandchildren.

John Bingaman
The Lord called John to the ministry from an accounting and business management background. Saved later in life, John came to embrace Reformed theology and has a keen interest in the application of God’s Law-Word to all realms of life, especially economics.

Marty Misciagna
Raised a Roman Catholic, Marty heard the gospel from his fraternity brothers at college and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. He has come to embrace postmillennialism and its view that Christ is reigning now while all his enemies are being made a footstool for his feet. He lives in Chester County with his wife and two grown children.